Peeking behind the Veil:
Blood, Wintering & Shame
About Radiance Recipe: Surrender
9 Circles over 3 months (3 per month)
All Zoom calls are 90 minutes
Replay Recordings available
Circles will include Teaching, Ritual, Ceremony and Discussion
Handouts, links, videos and related materials in shared Folder Online
Q/A and group discussion via Group Voxer entire Program + 1 (one) month after program
333 USD/mo or 900 USD all up front (save 99 USD)

Meeting Yourself in the Deep Darkness
Have you ever met yourself in a place of darkness? Did you flow through the waves of crescendo and dive? Did you crash? Did you rise?
Meeting yourself in the dark places is, in the end, unavoidable.
When we finally realize that, and choose to go with the flow, the gifts of these dark hazy places become like shimmering gems to us.
We realize the dark places unwind and unbind us, allowing us to release what isn’t for us anymore.
What is going to happen in the Raidiance Recipe: Surrender Program?
You are going to shed
You are going to unwind
You are going to release
You are going to unearth
This will prepare you to be born again, fresh from the darkness of the mother earth that is your womb space.

You might be asking…
Yes, I am going to Shed, Unwind, Release and Unearth….
But HOW am I doing that?
We’re going to explore concepts of cultural conditioning around several feminine topics and challenge their roles in our lives by really examining them. Facing them.
These include concepts related to:
The rest/production cycle
Keeping ourselves separate from our menstrual blood/vagina/womb space in general
Being able to go slow enough in the Winter to allow ourselves to release everything that is no longer for us. And to prepare for this process in the Autumn.
We will explore practices with collecting your menstrual blood, and rituals to return it to the earth.
We will be learning about each of the 4 seasons, deeply focusing on Autumn and Winter, while practicing preparation, and Wintering.
I’ll be leading you through somatic techniques to release stuck emotions and traumas from your body, that you can use any time!
Participants will be able to:
Accept their blood and vagina/uterus are amazing, perceiving the reasons we were conditioned to separate ourselves from these wellsprings of life, or even believe they were disgusting
Have gnosis about how to live with 4 seasons, and the special purpose of wintering
Create rituals that return their period blood to the earth (and why this is important)
Use somatic techniques to exit emotions and traumas from the body without needing to know the story (what it is they’re releasing)
Experience and Replicate a true Wintering—fully releasing the layer of self that has run its course, the keeping of which will hold the self back

This program is for Women & Vagina Holders who:
Are curious about enjoying their period, even loving their period, and how that can be their experience
Crave releasing the truest versions of themselves into a lived life
Want to Unburden themselves from conditioned Distancing & Rejection around Periods, Vaginas, and more
Want to put shame behind them, while experiencing deep support from Vanessa during this process
Welcome imagining a new way of perceiving the Production/Rest cycle and learning how to live it
Vanessa Grace, LICSW Radiance Coach
Vanessa’s period went wonky at the end of high school, by going totally missing for months at a time. This continued until she started birth control, and continued after she stopped birth control. She went on a journey to understand her body and her missing menstrual cycle (that was really quite heavy when it was there!) Through experimenting with ancient practices, such as pelvic steaming, seed cycling and more she was able to regulate her cycle. She now menstruates monthly.
Imagine her surprise, when in this journey she discovered the connections between menstruation/wombs and spirituality (another of her deep loves!). And she was off to the races to learn, experience and incorporate all she could about this new-to-her exciting discovery.
At least 5 years later, and Vanessa has been exploring and playing with the mysteries of divine feminine, spirituality, wombs and menstruation in practical and fun ways in her own life. But she has also been teaching other menstruaters the wisdom and magic she has been living.
This on-line group program is the inception of her recent focus on the shadow or dark feminine. Shadow feminine is an inner exploration of the parts of self we hide from. Shadow feminine is purposefully embracing these parts of self, so we are no longer divided or shamed, becoming a whole self.

I have more questions before I sign up, can we chat?
Uh, hello! Yes! Sign up for this FREE 30 min Zoom call and we can go over all your questions!
You can also DM me on Insta @SoulAmplified or email me Vanessa@SoulAmplified.org if a zoom chat seem a lil extra for what you need.