work with me

Working with Vanessa
There are several areas where I have done personal growth work, extensive learning or both. These are the areas I love coaching in, and are the specialties I offer you. The shift within yourself from doing work in these areas is Magical. It will free you to discover yourself, zero in on your passions and go create your radiant magic in the world. Hell Yes to More Magic!

I listen deeply and hold space for your story, emotions and tears.
I give transparent andsometimes bold feedback about what I am seeing in you and your life patterns.
I reframe your muddled thoughts into coherent, sensible concepts which help you make sense of yourself.
I dive deep into educational content to explain to you family patterns, the brain, the nervous system, the odd backflips we do to protect ourselves in relationship, chakras, soul contracts, alignment, energy and more.
I give energy work when I feel led to, but only with your permission, to release blocks related to the area we are working on in that moment, or to instill something new and positive.
I share intuitive insights that are being shared with me by God, the Universe or guides, which may take us to a different but-always-more-compelling topic.
I ask compelling questions of you that challenge you to understand yourself more. It is in this understanding that you grow and become more free.
I pull tarot or oracle cards to give added insight and direction to your life.
A conversation with me is likely to have jumped to 6 different topics in an hour. I’ll have made a mildly dark/inappropriate joke which is totally funny, said fuck 4 times without realizing it, listened to you deeply, laughed, but also been with you when you cried because of a big realization you had because I asked the right question. Also, books and magic. This is what working with me is like.

Who likes to work with me?
The types of women who tend to be drawn to working with me have a pattern. They include those with complex or distressing pasts, lightworkers who don’t yet know they are lightworkers, codependent patterns (no duh, right?), aspirational goals, service hearts, curious souls longing for more and budding entrepreneurs. This is of no surprise, as I love working with all of these types of women, too! Fuck yeah!

Coaching 1 on 1
Unpacking not only the past influences of your codependency, but also how it is affecting your life right now, and how to change it. Boundaries, fears of abandonment, gripping onto control, relationship patterns, personal worth, shame, indecisiveness—I will work with you to heal your special blend of codependency.
Sometimes you know exactly where you want to go, but keep self sabotaging or don’t know how to get there. Other times you feel adrift. I help you bring the pieces together to understand what you want (like, for real!) and how to begin going after it.
Soul Stuff
Want to deepen your connection to you and beyond, feel calm, assured and radiant? I’ll teach to you my knowledge of soul stuff chakras, energy, manifestation, soul contracts, soul families, tarot, working with your guides and a whole lot more. This is the secret, magical ingredient, and it’s behind all the things I do here at Soul Amplified and for myself.
Trauma Healing
This shit is REAL. When there is ick, you develop coping skills to deal. They become auto pilot and could be unconsciously running your life. This is often confusing and painful. I’m here to support, and to help you find your way to healing, forgiveness of self, better relationships, confidence, self love and JOY.
Budding Entrepreneur
New business is so exciting and also so damn confusing. I’ve been there! I help beginners decide the foundational principles of their business and how to thrive in their business while focusing on their divine feminine.
Money and Abundance Psychology
There are many ingrained belief systems in society, and in your family, about money and the people who have more or less of it. The attachments to these ideas limit your ability to have abundance—and you likely don’t even know you have them. I help you shift your beliefs about money so unconscious beliefs are no longer sabotaging your conscious goals.

We focus your coaching on the area(s) you want change and transformation
- Three (3) one-hour calls a month—one each of the first three weeks of the month
- Integration Week to steep yourself in the new information, rest and practice any new skills before going into the next change process. This is the last week of the month (or 2 weeks if it’s a 5 week month)
- Recordings of all your calls, emailed to you
A four (4) month minimum commitment to optimize your transformation
- We sign a contract outlining this, the investment, cancelations and more

To discover more about collaborating with me in 1:1 Coaching for your personal growth, sign up for a Free Curiosity Call.
This link takes you directly to my scheduling page. In this 30 minute Zoom call, you share what your needs and goals are, and I share about this investment in yourself and how it can change your life, babe!
Single Sessions
There are several ways to work with me once for an hour.
Codependency Breakthrough Power Hour
A deep dive power hour to get straight to the point of why you're having issues with codependency and provide you with a game plan moving forward on how to heal. This session is quick, but mighty and with my intuition and divine downloads, we'll be able to get to the heart of what is creating codependency and a plan to begin healing.
Investment $300

Tarot Card Reading
I have a unique combination of skills that benefits you in a card reading. The ability to see what is happening, and also give you therapist advice on how to proceed. I’ve got a ton of skill and training behind my recommendations, and quickly see family patterns and glimmers of possible origin information from simple conversations with people. My combined skills only benefit you. This card reading is recorded so you can review it later, and stay focused in the moment without having to take notes. This follow up email will also have any advice I have given with links/books/podcasts (which is so very likely to happen) and pictures of the tarot spread so you can see it in all it’s beauty.
Investment $150
Energy Healing
I work with both your guides and mine to heal aspects of you and your soul that are ready to be released, transmuted or redistributed. I also call in healing power and light to help prevent energetic back slide, protection, and increase amplification. I usually describe what I am doing, feeling and seeing during the energy healing. I may give you instructions on what to imagine, say or where to hold yourself as this involves you in your own healing. You do have the option for this to be recorded and sent to you.
Investment $150

group Coaching
The People Pleaser Recovery Roadmap
This program changes women into who they always wanted to be—lively, confident, calm, decisive, independent and joyous. You may be some or all of these things right now. But if you’re this deep into the Soul Amplified website, you obviously resonate with the concept of codependency for at least section of your life.
No matter how much space codependency does or does not take up in your mind, heart and life—you deserve to be free of it. When you are free of it, you have:
- More of your mental time back
- More of your actual time ack
- The ability to say what you mean
- The ability to know what you want
- The ability to go after it guilt free
- The knowledge that others’ behaviors are not about you
- The ability to trust and let go of control
- Empowerment to leave or stay in your relationship (if you stay, there will be increased boundaries)
- The strength and assurance to ask for what you want
- The confidence to do things for YOU
This program is a portal to a new you.
So what is it?
This is all my best information on codependency. My mix of family patterns, human development, the neurobiology of trauma, psychology, goals, energy, self love, grounding, boundaries and managing the fear, shame and resistance that comes with changing it. The program is 9 months with a new theme each month. They are:
- Claim your Beginning
- Claim your Values
- Claim your Boundaries
- Claim your Emotions
- Claim your Goals
- Claim your Space
- Claim your Vision
- Claim your Self Worth
- Claim your Forgiveness

We are focusing on improving your emotional awareness, clarity on what you want and ability to set boundaries the entire program, even as we are moving into other areas of knowledge. This program truly teaches you how many parts of your life codependency touches and influences that you were unaware of. I am here to support you the entire time, and to join you on the path but not to push you faster than you are ready to go.
The Details
- 9 months long, 9 themes
- Three (3) one-hour calls a month—one call each of the first three weeks of the month
- Calls include teaching of content, Q and A time/Support, spiritual practices to ground, calm and uplevel
- Integration Week to steep yourself in the new information, rest and practice any new skills before going into the next change process. This is the last week of the month (or 2 weeks if it’s a 5 week month)
- Private Social Media group just for program participants
- Action Steps for each month rooted in the theme, usually involving in self awareness, journaling and meditations.
- Recordings of all group calls